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Particolari Checksum OLS820

UtilizzazioneDelphi Tricore
Accesso Erfordert WinOLS
Punti checksum2
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Dettaglio versione
Alle Angaben für WinOLS5. Checksummen für WinOLS4 werden ab dem 31.12.2022 nicht mehr aktualisiert.
Data Versione*Revisione
21.02.20252.65NuevoNew MT60.
18.02.20252.64CorrettoFixed a bug that led to an incorrect checksum address in some Delphi MT2x/HV-240.
12.02.20252.63NuevoNew MT60.
29.01.20252.62NuevoNew DCM6 file size.
21.01.20252.61NuevoNew DCM7.xx + extended function that finds additional CS blocks.
17.01.20252.60NuevoNew MT60.
06.01.20252.59NuevoNew Delphi MT2x/HV-240
19.12.20242.58NuevoNew MT60 and MT90.
16.12.20242.57NuevoNew MTxxx
12.12.20242.56NuevoNew MT2x
12.12.20242.55NuevoNew MT2x
12.12.20242.54NuevoNew MT2x
11.12.20242.53NuevoNew MT2x.
06.12.20242.52NuevoNew MT2x and MTxx.
29.11.20242.51NuevoNew MT2x.
20.08.20242.50NuevoNew DCM 7.4.
08.07.20242.49NuevoNew Delphi MT92.
17.06.20242.48NuevoNew Delphi MT62.1
27.05.20242.47NuevoNew Delphi MT62.1
29.04.20242.46NuevoNew Delphi MTxx.
02.02.20242.45NuevoBETA version Delphi DCM7.xx: This is not a checksum correction, but a patch! We cannot guarantee that it will work with every control device or tool.
12.08.20222.44NuevoChecksums added in data area.
24.05.20222.43NuevoNew MT62.1 file
11.08.20212.42NuevoMT92 improved, MT22 new file
21.07.20212.41NuevoFurther checksum blocks found in MT62.1
18.07.20212.40CorrettoHiLo Notation at Delphi MT62.1
15.07.20212.39CorrettoFixed a bug for DCM that caused the crash.
31.05.20212.38NuevoNew MT22.1 size.
20.04.20212.37CorrettoFixed a bug that caused the crash.
30.03.20212.36CorrettoPossible error fixed
10.03.20212.35NuevoNew file size for Delphi MTxx
08.03.20212.34NuevoDelphi MTxx: new identification
08.01.20212.33NuevoDelphi MTxx: new identification
19.11.20202.32CorrettoBug fixes.
17.11.20202.31NuevoRevised DCM6.2 checksum.
05.11.20202.30NuevoAdd new DCM6 identifikation.
28.04.20202.29NuevoNew Baic file
04.03.20202.28NuevoNew KIA file
22.01.20202.27NuevoNow also HV-240
05.06.20192.26NuevoNow with warning at VAG DCM6.2 because of not calculated RSA checksum