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OLS300 Module

From the experience with the OLS16 module we have created a new product, which fulfils even the increased demands which come up with new ECUs - the OLS300.

The list of eprom types will be enlarged permanently and starts with the standard PSOP44 eprom 28F100-400 and 29F100-800. Also at the OLS300 we can offer a free programmable pinout which makes it possible to simulate even unusual EPROM types. More eprom types will follow. The internal memory of 32 MBit will suffice for a long time.

Also the OLS300 module has got a monitor function that can show the fast successive processor hits. Your advantage: You can find and modify the different maps easier.

The connection to the computer is done over the actual USB port. It also provides the power supply. The build in Lithium Polymer Accu will be kept in standby mode. It provides offline operation for several hours.

For continuous operation and for fast recharge an additional power plug is integrated.

The firmware which is needed for operation will be updated by WinOLS automatically.

Technical data:

Access time for simulation and monitoring 50ns
Access time for changing data while the engine is running 50ns
Memory 4Mbyte =2MWord
Connection USB 1.1
Power supply Lithium Polymer Accu 1.7AH
Part-No. Description Price *)
OLS300 8 / 16 Bit simulator / monitor module, incl. USB313, OLS344 € 3076,15
OLS344 Adapter for OLS300 to PSOP44 € 58,91
OLS332 Adapter for OLS300 to 2x PLCC32. Can also be used for 1x PLCC32. € 117,81
OLS328 Adapter for OLS300 to DIL28 / DIL32 € 58,91
OLS329 Active adapter for usage with OLS328 in old CMOS-ECUs (Digifant) € 72,00
OLS340 Adapter for OLS300 to DIL40 € 58,91
EAD110 Adapter DIL40 -> PLCC44, for usage with OLS340 € 116,50
OLS368.SL Adapter for OLS300 to PLCC68 for 87BC6QG and CC460
Connection to ECU by pin headers
€ 117,81
USB313 USB cable, blue, length 3 meter € 12,30
USB315 USB cable, blue, length 5 meter € 16,66
*) All prices quoted include 19% VAT. (Corporate customer? Please login!)